Malkam Tasra

Murdered on Sunday, November 7th, 2010
She was 26 years old.


Malkam was an independent, hard working woman. She managed to save enough money to buy her own house, and was a warm and kind person, who helped everyone around her. She had no enemies. Malkam was divorced and had one daughter.

One day, her parents decided to introduce her to a young man. Six months after they met, he murdered her. At the time of the murder, family members were present in the couple's home – Malkam's older brother, Malkam's mother, her partner's mother and their a neighbour. They all arrived after Malkam asked her partner's mother to calm down her son because he became violent. When everyone was in the living room, Malkam entered the bedroom to prepare a travel bag for her daughter, who luckily wasn't in the house at the time. Suddenly, her partner entered the room and stabbed her once in the back. When she turned to him, he stabbed her several times in the chest. Malkam ran out of the room, fell down the stairs and had a concussion. She later died from the knife wounds. Today, Malkam's mother raises her daughter.

The murderer was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Courtesy of the Salamlak Tasra's family

IsraelAdi Levy